
Have you every thought how blessed you are.?
How lucky you are?
This thought occurred, I was just going near by my neighborhood where I suddenly saw a kid not more than 10 was handicapped. I had a chat with him and he wasn’t disabled he was able.


Well Manny of you say there isn’t any difference in handicapped an disabled.
For me he was able he could do things. He doesn’t consider himself as inferior. He didn’t wanted anybody’s sympathy. He wants to be treated equally. Seeing a kid thinks like that at this age. I was stunned. He impressed me (its hard to impress me).
After coming home I couldn’t let go his thoughts. His everyday routine. A simple wake up to eating on table every moments a task.
And it made me thankful to god that how lucky I am to be provided with the propensity to achieve all my dreams and do good for other people too.
Just a thought.
Think about it.
Have a happy day.

25 Comments Add yours

  1. A Walk into the Woods says:

    In fact, he is specially abled. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Der Krieger des Lichts says:

    Very true. What is really important in life? The answer can we see in the film “Forrest Gump” 🙂


  3. Shortreads says:

    (Well, many* of you say there isn’t any difference in handicapped and* disabled) just found the mistake 😛 good work though 🙂


    1. Rishi kinger says:

      Hahahaha thanks for finding those. Silly me

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Shortreads says:

        Pleasure is mine 🙂


  4. I like how your posts capture small, important things that we often tend to overlook. Thanks for stopping by my blog and bringing me to yours. All the best for future posts:-)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Rishi kinger says:

      Thanks a lot


  5. Gives us a fresh perspective, huh?


    1. Rishi kinger says:

      Maybe soon enough mate.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Rishi kinger says:

      Life, struggle, phases


  6. mlgaaarden says:

    What’s the theme you are using?


    1. Rishi kinger says:

      Blog or this post.


          1. Luna G. says:

            Thanks a lot.


  7. jncthedc says:

    We are all “handicapped” in some form. The object is to reach beyond our “limitations” to reach new levels creating purposeful meaning and passion in life. As we pursue these goals, our handicaps become less important and less debilitating.
    Stay positive and remain healthy and happy.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Rishi kinger says:

      So true! Good thought

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Tania Khalil says:

    Its hard to impress me 😀 this hahaha ..


  9. DaisyWillows says:

    thanks for this 🙂


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