Need for self

You, me, we all, each and everyone of us woke up everyday brush up eat and work and sleep and prepare our self for the next day to fight another round of the bout. Let me ask you a simple question why do you work?
Probably you would say what kind of a question is that and for that very moment you don’t have an answer later on it clicks  to you, “To survive”

Well don’t to think our generation have reached beyond that.

Economic says, “to satisfy our need”. True!

We all have needs, both physical and emotional. And we all need to consistently fulfill those needs. Just as you never eat enough to last you forever, you never love enough to last you forever, or do something important enough to last you forever. Needs — whether it’s food, love or meaning — must be replenished regularly.


And most of us live with a constant fear that the object which currently fulfills our needs will one day disappear. The person who loves us will one day cease loving us. The job that gives us security and food will one day stop giving us security and food. The creative spark that once made us happy will one day extinguish. The looks that brought us so much attention and praise will one day fade.

And so we stick to the object that fulfills that need. We try to make the lover love us. We try to make the job need us. We grasp onto the people and things that make us feel important and worthy and don’t let go.

This makes us slaves to those people and those objects. Even a slightest move in these things affect us drastically.

You don’t need your lover. You need to be loved. You don’t need your job. You need to feel secure. You don’t need to be beautiful, cool or popular. You need to feel appreciated.

What you need is you .
In an infinite world these needs can be met in an infinite number of ways.
All that is required is an ability and a confidence in one’s ability to get one’s own needs met.

It’s not the people and objects that fulfill the needs in our life that make us happy. We make us happy. And if those objects were all taken away, while we would mourn their loss, we would find new people and new objects, new activities and new passions, and build a new identity for our self, and live on.

P.S.- A sun will set down today from the horizon, a new one will rise the next day. What change it will bring to you?

22 Comments Add yours

  1. Great post, but when you say “A sun will set down today from the horizon, a new one will rise the next day. What change it will bring to you?” – you know that it’s the same sun – right? 😉


    1. Rishi kinger says:

      Yeah its scientifically not figuratively.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. New concept of the day for me: figuratively (Figuratively is defined as based on or making use of figures of speech; metaphorical. So while literally means free from any metaphor or allegory, figurative deals specifically with these kinds of figures of speech.)

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Rishi kinger says:

          Hahah. Good work

          Liked by 1 person

          1. I thought so too. 😉
            Right, I have to dash now – I’m meeting my niece Suneeta at the train station soon. I’ll give her your love as per your kind instructions. 😉


  2. lfish64 says:

    Very well written, keep your posts coming.


    1. Rishi kinger says:

      Thanks! yeah sure.


  3. ankitvaish says:

    Good one Rishi


    1. Rishi kinger says:

      Thanks a lot Mate


  4. shreyakhetan says:

    Your blog is so motivational and inspiring.” You dont need your lover, you need to be loved. You dont need your job,you need to feel secure” loved these lines. I’m still trying to probe into this.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Rishi kinger says:

      Thank you so much. Hope you will soon.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. sam1128 says:

    Looked on phone …..missed last time. ..reblogged


  6. sam1128 says:

    Couldnt see a reblog ir share button..would love to share this. Sam


    1. Rishi kinger says:

      There must be at the bottom of the article…. But I guess I have turned of the Twitter share button.


  7. sam1128 says:

    So many people do not understand the concept and always look to others to meet their needs. The idea for my novel stemmed from seeing needy people trying to find love and approbation from others. going to tweet.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Rishi kinger says:

      Would really like to read that, thanks for reading


  8. ~~ emzlee :) says:

    Very well… 🙂 Beautiful post.

    Thanks for dropping by Side by Side, by the way.


    1. Rishi kinger says:

      Thanks, yeah sure

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Wow…!! Beautifully expressed & amazingly written… 😍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Rishi kinger says:

      Thanks for reading

      Liked by 1 person

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